•   ISSN: 2814 – 2802
  •    +234 080 0000 000
  •    services@ajikt.org


General Guidelines

All articles are to be prepared in Time New Roman, font size is 12px with a 1.5 paragraph spacing (www.apastyle.org) which should not exceed 14 pages including references.

For Empirical Articles in Science & Technology:

The subheadings should be abstract, keywords, introduction, materials & methods, results & discussions, conclusion & recommendations, references

For Empirical Articles in Social Sciences, Management & Related Areas:

The subheadings should be abstract, keywords, introduction, literature review, methodology, findings & discussions, conclusion & recommendations, references

For Conceptual Idea/Opinion Papers:

The subheadings should be abstract, keywords, introduction, main body (requires subheadings depending on the topic), conclusion, references

All papers written in accordance with these guidelines should be submitted as MS Word document to services@ajikt.org

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The AJIKT is an intellectual piece with a multidisciplinary dimension. It is poised at... Read more...

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