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   EKE, C. A.      Views  53      Downloads  28



The paper discussed the politics and economics of Brexit in the European Union (EU). The objective of the paper is to investigate the circumstances that led to Britain’s dissatisfaction and eventual withdrawal from the European Union, one of its foundation members since 1973. Attempt was also made to find out the nature of post Brexit relations that are the relationships between the (EU) and Britain, politically and economically. Data for the study was sourced through the documentary method of secondary data sources, and further analysed through content analysis. The findings revealed an accumulation of grudge arising from the following sentiments. The French president, Charles De Gaulle’s Veto of UK’s membership in 1963 and 1965 and its impact on the political image of the United Kingdom, Policy misfits, especially that of European budgetary system and common agricultural market and particularly the issue of member states developing policies at odds with the (UK) governments preferences resulting in the need for various policy opt-outs. The study concluded that the event of 31 December, 2020 was the climax of grievances that accumulated over time. The study recommended that any union of equal states should treat members equally, with respect to political and economic dignity and international image.

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